Alan Deariso is the President and principal technican.

Alan eaned a Batchelor Of Science degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) in 1989.  He has been working in the concrete industry since 1996, serving mainly in ready-mix concrete technical service and sales.  In addition to being Presiedent of Georgia Slab Moisture Testing LLC, he currently also serves as Vice President of Sales and Technical Service for Fowler-Flemister Concrete, Inc.

He holds the following certifications:

ICRI Certified Concrete Slab Moisture Testing Technician Grade 1

ACI Certfied Concrete Field Testing Technician Grade 1

NRMCA Concrete Technologist Level 4

Georgia Department of Transportation Concrete Technician

Georgia Deprtment of Transportation Concrete Batcher

Alan brings a no-nonsense, common-sense approach to concrete testing, coupled with a stong middle-class work ethic.